About E-IONS
We are the leading industry experts in Ionized Water at Malaysia with our water treatment and high-quality water purification system which has been established since the year 2009. Our product designed by expert and craft by highly experience engineers.
We at E-IONS strongly believe into building a sustainable health by using essential tools that one can benefit from which is the Ionized Water. Ionized Water benefits include boosting immunity. Your immune system may help neutralize the acidity in your body, which is caused by poor diet, stress and environmental toxins.
Health Benefits of Ionized Water
Water is the most important nutrient to all life! Water brings nutrients to your cells. It lubricates your tissues, makes them bouncy and resilient, and in better shape to perform their functions. It also helps to transport wastes out of your body. The percentage of water in your body is somewhere between 60% and 75%. Second to air, water is the most needed molecule for life.
Establish an ideal concept on vitality for their quality of life.
To nurture and inspire talents while assisting aspiring individuals to achieve their goal in direct selling industry.
Establish the business with concept of international youthfulness consumer network.
Operate and share achievement within the business with dealers while upholding the company’s philosophy - responsibility, integrity, respect and appreciation.
Enhance management skills to provide ideal services to customers and dealers in order to achieve sustainable business goals.
Mr Chow Sek Hin believes in the spirit of entrepreneurship. The establishment of E-IONS that Ionized Water would be essential in breaking the barriers in direct selling and franchising whereby it involves a whole new concept of people networking and e-Commerce in achieving a better life for them and their family. Consequently, we welcome all entrepreneur to join our family making use of an healthy platform of Ionized Water and achieving sustainable business goals by retaining the concept of Responsibility, Integrity Respect and Appreciation.

E-IONS has been certified with Direct Selling License from the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism.
E-IONS Unique Business Module
Marketing Network

E-IONS Unique Business Module
Combine all the advantages

Network Marketing
Accumulation, force multiplier, high remuneration, well rewarded

Traditional Retail / Wholesale
Fixed location, easy purchase, Good profit, brand awareness

Retail Chain
Good image, easy to copy, systematic work, successful practice system

Fast-moving, save cost, worldwide access

E-IONS Personal Sponsoring Website
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Key in E-IONS webpage domain name followed by your VIP Number into address bar
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