Far-infrared(PMF)set + free 2 PP Filter [F010N]

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RM 2,417.00
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Product Information

This package comes with 2 PP Filter

Filter contents :
PP Polypropolyne + UF Membrane + NSF GAC + Japan Calcium Sulfite

First layer of filtering
Remove sand, silt, dirt and rusty particles

Second layer of filtering
Has aperture in the range of 0.0-0.1μm and is highly capable of removing bacteria, viruses, clay, asbestos and humic substances.

Third layer of filtering
Maintain water temperature; Contains approved Calcium Sulfite of 98% purity by Japan Food Product Qualification and Quality Assurance, heat resistant, removes odor and chlorine, high absorption capacity and is 200 times more effective than activated carbon.

Filter capacity
PP Filter 4,000 litre
UF Membrane 10,000 litre
NSF GAC 10,000 litre

19.5 × 29 × 34 cm
3.2 kg



Hollow fiber membrane (10000 liters ±10%) @
NSF activated carbon (10,000 liters ±10%) @
Far Infrared (12000 liters ± 10%)


Hollow fiber membrane filter @
NSF activated carbon filter @
Far Infrared + calcium sulfite

First filter hollow fiber membrane

Contains pore sizes in the range of 0.01 ­ 0.10 μm to remove bacteria, viruses, clay, dirt, dust, asbestos, etc.

Second filter activated carbon

To remove odors, chlorine, etc.

Third filter far infrared

To keep water temperature; Japan Food Product Qualification and Quality Assurance approved Calcium Sulfite with 98% high purity, heat resistance, odors removal, high adsorption capacity and 200 times more effective than activated carbon.
